public access

Update on meeting with MOT

I met with Johnathan and Tim of MOT Nanaimo Thursday afternoon for over an hour. They were pleased to get proof of public funds spent on TB wharf road (as it is named in our 1929 survey) and also proof of commercial use. With the information presented we can show continuous public use of the site for over 100 years. Keep writing your letters-they really help.

Tucker Bay again...

Darren...The community has photos and records regarding the maintenance and use of the Tucker Bay public access from over 100 yrs ago to date, originals are being hand delivered to Highways for copying. I did not buy the public access.

For the new owners of Tucker Bay

Hello again...In 1972 I purchased 13 acres on Lasqueti, subject to survey, which bordered a then section 4 road. After the survey I had 10 acres-apparently the government/public needed 3 acres of the farm. No compensation was paid, as as far as the crown was concerned it was theirs.

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