APC False Bay Parking Meeting

Event Date: 
Friday, May 6, 2011 - 7:00pm

location: changed from Arts Centre to the COMMUNITY HALL because Arts Centre floor is being replaced

The Advisory Planning Commission (APC) will be holding a public meeting on Parking in False Bay area on Friday, May 6 at 7pm.

Peter Luckham, the chair of the Lasqueti Trust Committee, will chair the meeting, which we would like to hold at the Arts Centre, because that's where most people live and where the problem is. If more people plan to attend that can comfortably fit into the Arts Centre, the meeting will be held at the Community Hall.

We've scheduled the meeting to enable part-time Lasquetians to attend, and have given lots of notice in the hope that many of them will be able to come to the meeting.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please let APC secretary Peter Johnston know, so he can keep track how many people will be there. pjohnston (at) lasqueti (dot) ca   or 250-333-8785

The document attached below provides background and serves as a starting point for the meeting - please review it, and feel free to get the discussion started by leaving a comment below.

APC-FB-Parking.pdf116.02 KB


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