Killer Compost

joseph's picture

Warning: Do not bring manure compost into your garden from outside sources unless you’re certain it doesn’t contain aminopyralid residues!

This is a very disturbing story.  I'm not sure if these pesticides are used locally, but its something to consider when bringing manure or hay into your garden.  If anyone has any insights about the availability / use of aminopyralid pesticides in BC / Canada, I'd be very interested to hear.

Here's an excerpt:

"The aminopyralid herbicide known as Milestone, plus other related herbicides collectively known as pyralids, are still surfacing unexpectedly in gardens throughout the United States, with devastating results. The EPA allows Dow and others to sell these potent weed killers to farmers, who spray them on their pastures and hayfields. When animals graze on the treated pasture or hay, the chemicals pass through the animals and persist in the manure for several years — even if the manure is processed into compost! Gardeners then use the contaminated hay or compost on their crops, bringing a slow death to carrots, lettuces, potatoes, beets, spinach, tomatoes and legumes, including (but not limited to) beans and peas."


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