Clones … What are they? Are they real? Part 5

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      The aliens control mind energy and they are masters at controlling timelines. In the last few hundred years they realized that ascension time was coming so they fine-tuned their cloning process to be sure to get what they want; namely our energy. They are setting up parallel universes and making them seem so real we have a hard time telling the difference. They have the media, mainstream and supposedly-knowing-people so busy telling us what ascension is supposed to look like, that we will believe them when they create it for us and stop time to move us there. Learn to look past the new age and conventional paraphernalia into your spirit, your heart where your very Light is firmly placed. Grow your spirit back into your heart.

     As I have said before they need only a speck of us to create a replica. Then in order to animate it they excite our emotions so they can attach to a speck of our spirit. They have to have our energy to survive and have developed a time sharing procedure between the aliens to affect this so everybody gets a share of us.  We are living on a controlled cloned planet. Our job is to drop off this cloning so that we can get our spirit back into us so we can have everlasting life, full consciousness, ascension or whatever we want to call it.

     The aliens have copied every environment. They stop time and switch you into their copy. They have a way to transfer information to the next new clone so the new one has some idea what the program is. Ron Amitron is doing research right now to determine exactly how this transfer is done.

     They have designed different timelines for different activities that develop different emotions. Start to notice when all of a sudden things are “not quite right”. Get your spirit right into that area and command anything unlike the Light to leave. Let it know you have got its number. They don’t always get the copies exactly right and you think you have lost something because you put it in a specific place and it is not there. They just forgot to create it the way the prior owner had it. Or maybe they just let you think you had done something and decided not to attach it into the physical environment they were creating to bring you to. Sometimes they do this so we will think we are getting forgetful. This is how we learn to age and forget things! The busier they can keep us, the more quickly we tire so they can snatch some emotion with minimal exertion. The more debilitated we get the easier we are to control.

     They have even created clone(s) of the Creation LightShip for those of us that think we are so smart that we can figure it out for ourselves and/or go behind Ron’s back. If we fall for this we can drive ourselves even further away from full consciousness and the Light. When ascension happens the LightShip will not be able to find us because our light will have become too dim.

     At last ascension time the earth decided not to participate because there were so few people ready. Jesus was doing the best he could with the consciousness that was present and working against him. This last 2000 years it was hoped that we would clean ourselves up to be ready for this next ascension. Did that happen? The earth will be changing her consciousness for sure this time. Are we ready to go with her?

     Recall in the bible where Jesus said the way to the father is through me? He was here then to help us clear our parasites that were sapping our spirit preventing ascension. We need to admit that we are ridden with parasitic energy to such an extent that the Light of full consciousness would shrivel us up if we went directly to the Creation LightShip. We have to get over being cute and wanting to prove to ourselves and the world who we are and that we are good people. We must surrender to the help of the Light Being that is living on earth at this time. His name is Ron Amitron and he doesn’t look anything like Jesus but he says similar things even if Christianity has adjusted the meaning to keep us in fear.  “The way to the father (Light Ship) is through me”. Ron, as Jesus did, will take you into a quarantine room and the Light Beings will assist you to find the missing parts of your spirit. Ron is the intermediary, just as Jesus was 2000 years ago.

     We must move out of our heads and into our hearts so spirit has a place to reside. We must learn what it is like to ask our heart a question and get an answer that does not have any duality. Let’s get comfortable with this. Let’s put our mind into that elevator and, out loud, count it down into our heart area, 3-5 times. Learn what it feels like to be “out of your mind”. It is the only safe place to be.


Amitron, R (2011) Retrieved from

Amitron, R. (2011) Mind to Heart Drop Retrieved from  Free clearing

Finley, G. (2011) The Powerful Possibilities of Self-Seeing. Seeker’s Guide to Self-Freedom pages 31-32

Finley, G. (2011) Remember Yourself and Realize Freedom. Retrieved from

Nidle, S. (2011) Retrieved from

Sircus, M. (2011) Retrieved from


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