Clones … What are they? Are they real? Part 6

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The Imagination

On a universal level, fields of energy meet up with
fields of intelligence, resulting in fields of form.

All forms are created of images. These images are in essence the super structure of the universe. They are the subsoil of everything. Everything has to take some kind of shape, some kind of form to come into a state of existence. Imagination is the creative power. Everything in the universe somehow has an image of itself.

The probing of our self-image is the
deepest psychological work we can

If we cannot imagine something it means that we cannot really see that something. The imaginative level of consciousness is our ability to both shape and perceive reality. It is at the core of everything we think, feel, and do. In the deepest sense, our life is like a movie and our life situation is the substance of the movie. We are the ones who are making our own movie on the imaginative level of consciousness and we are the actors that act it all out. We spend our consciousness just like we spend money and we spend it through the imagination. We can create a great movie or a lousy one. It all depends on how we use our imagination, or let our imaginations use us. We are the ones making the movie of our own life and we are the ones who are either going to laugh at it all or cry our hearts out.

The imagination is that faculty
that brings order out of chaos.

The imagination then is that faculty with which we “see.” It is this sight that makes men and women with open imaginations great. From nothing comes something. From the blank canvas comes a masterpiece. The imagination is the power with which we “will” events into a pattern and into existence. We form ourselves into a pattern of life and this is controlled by our creative imagination.

The imagination is the power to be able to perceive the images of life. These images are happening on many levels and thus our imaginations itself has different levels of function. It is the basic capacity to see with our eyes and to dream with our mind that is the primary function of the imagination in human consciousness. The basic capacity of sight has two components and each is an aspect of the imagination. When we open our eyes and see, what do we see? Literally we are seeing what is happening in our imaginations! We are not seeing anything “out there.” The image is in our own brain and it really has no size to it at all. We never “see” physical reality; we see our imagination’s representation of it. Everything in the “created” universe as an image, a shape, a form, and astral forms are those forms that continue even without any physical component. We are given the imagination to be able to see these forms.

Images do have their own intelligence and are
conveyers of deep and meaningful information.


The process of identification is the key to the mysteries of the imagination. Imagination is the creative power—and the process of identification is that which traps or forms our consciousness into a mold. Identification is the deep psychic process of becoming one with something. It is through identification that we create our identity.

When we identify with a feeling or a thought, we feed those impressions; we make them more important; we own them as our own and incorporate them into our self-image. It is through the process of identification that we become one with our experiences. They become ours.

The negative expression of aggression here is the calculated use of the imagination to enslave men. Psychological warfare is an example, but beyond that, it is the armed use of the imagination by men who know that what people think about themselves is what they become. Thus, there can be no greater aggression than to consciously manipulate and promote unsuspecting men and women into seeing themselves as something they are not in order that they may be exploited.

Dr. Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine

The Alien Agenda

The aliens have copied a (get-there-through-me) aspect by claiming us; and I do mean you and I, as a conduit to the Light. This action is like a reflection of the Source. Aliens do not know that they can access the light directly as individual entities just by asking or perhaps they do not even suspect that there is another way to get energy other than stealing it from us. The aliens are masters of mental energy. They create various timelines where they extract our emotions so they can make a connection with our spirit and drain some energy from it. Let’s look at how this happens.

All forms are manifested from images. As the aliens activate our emotions, we are then creating a picture of the emotional occurrence. This is like a scene in the movie of our life. As our thoughts get in touch with this emotion, a picture forms, and we are now forming a prototype for this part of our life; this scene. We mold ourselves into a pattern of life which is manipulated by our alien-assisted creative imagination. We are giving away our consciousness through our imagination. 

The aliens like to drive our imagination in a particular direction so that we will always be emotionally active for them. Aliens will make a timeline for us to live on that relates to particular issues and sell parts of it to other alien races. It is like a timeshare program.  You may have a particular clone for drinking coffee; a particular one for going to the bathroom, one for being on the computer, etc. The clones may change every 10 minutes. At the changing of the guard they have to exchange information so that the new you knows what is going on. Sometimes they don’t get it quite right. They may be rushing, forget something or forget it on purpose or have inferior technology. When these abnormalities happen it is up to us to just examine what is going on and demand correction, rather than think we are just getting old and forgetting things. We do have free will. Why not ask for what we want even if we are dealing with a clone reality? I don’t see what other choices we have right now.

When we identify with a feeling or thought, we own it as our very own. These become our experiences and are now ours. The aliens are using our mind in a negative expression to form that picture in our mind so that our emotions are activated and they get their sought after end product… our Light.

We are living in timelines created by the aliens whether we like it or not. This is not in accordance with spiritual law. We must allow ourselves to look at the reality we live in. With the help of the Light Ship beings we can integrate our lost spirit parts back into our body so we can ascend when that time arrives. Amitron, R., (2011), Sircus, M. (2011).


Amitron, R., (2011) On November 27 retrieved from

Sircus, M. (2011) Doctors in chains. On November 25, 2011 retrieved from


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