Clones … Part 8

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Clones Part 8

Are You a Clone?

  • If today someone could heal you instantly the way Jesus did, would you bother to try it out?
  • Would you even trouble to pay attention to him?
  • If he said anything that improved on or was different than what Jesus was supposed to have said, would you bother to listen?
  • Did you know that the galactic federation allowed Jesus to die before his time?
  • Did you know Jesus had 12 lives going on at the same time 2000 years ago?
  • Do you know that Jesus came 2000 years ago in the Creation Lightship; so did Ron Amitron?
  • Look around you. Do you realize that the dark invisible forces have been allowed to infiltrate every aspect of your mind for the benefit of the parasitic elite?

All we need to do is think from our heart;

live in the present; get out of time; and

elevate our spirit by dropping into our heart.

We have allowed ourselves to be poisoned by the parasitic elite. Who are they, you say? Supposedly there was a time when life on earth was pleasant? The residents were joyously impressive as they worked with each other as a team in a collaborative galactic community. Some jealous others decided they needed this what they thought was power, for themselves. In order to usurp power this way you have to renounce your connection with the Source (Light) and get your energy elsewhere. See Clones … Parts 1-5

This has involved thousands and thousands of years in setting things up on earth so you and I are drained of our power no matter what we do, say or think. We have been taught it is not safe to trust our heart. In the last few hundred years we have even been chemically poisoned in all aspect of our lives; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The pharmaceutical companies are drugging us and our health has dwindled so low we can barely think coherently.

It is time to stimulate what is left of our heart, and find the missing, stolen parts of our spirit. Our heart is where we can live independent of the time-based reality that has been created for us. How many times did Jesus tell us to “go within”. Going into the heart is “going within.” This is where the light is. This is where there is no duality. This where you can hear the real truth.

To circumvent the parasitic elite’s venomous society they created for us, we must move into our hearts. It is the only place left that makes sense. We need to exercise it so that we recognize what it has to offer us. As long as we are breathing and living in the privileged’s time-based reality, they are stealing our energy and money. Remember they can get absolutely nothing from the Light because they have forsaken it. Only if we stand strong in our heart can they not get a foothold on us.

Over thousands of years they have been trying to teach us a new way to perceive light. Look around at the world? Has it been working? Even though they make it as logically coherent as they can, they are relying on our dulled, poisoned senses to stay unaware of what they are really doing. All we have left is our heart, and it is yelling at us, however it can, to listen. Our heart is where our spirit resides. No one can take this away from us without us dying. The freeloading elite society that’s been created for you and I, pushes us into their time-based reality of mind so we can be controlled. They can’t get us if we are in our hearts. And they have been and are going to do everything they can to keep us away from living in our hearts.

Our hearts occasionally give us a split second glimpse of a beautiful life, so we continue to experiment with the menagerie of thoughts revolving around in our minds and hope for a better life. These leeches have tried unsuccessfully to dull this heart connection to our spirit to the point of complete control. What has happened is that they have taken everything else away from us except our heart and everyone has nowhere else to turn but into their heart. Their program has backfired. Our hearts are waking up.

We must practice several times a day to move our mind down into our heart in an elevator. Count your mind, out loud, down from 10 to 1, down into your heart. Do it until you feel your words coming from your heart, not your mind. Exercise your heart, your spirit, so you become skilled at hearing it.


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