Clones ... Part 9 ... CLS Military Report

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12/12/11 CLS Military Report: Most Intense Battles Dungball Quarantined Cloned Earth Found Underground Chrononauts

Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2011 13:24:24

12/12/11 CLS Military Report: Most Intense Battles Yet Dungball Quarantined Cloned Earth Found Experiences with Underground Earth Defense Military Chrononauts

In our last report on the recent activities of the CLS Creation Lightship and the U.S.A. led underground military activities defending us from the alien slavers that control and use humans, we explained the Creation Lightship’s discovery of a huge hidden storage ball of Alien waste the size of the Earth on an alternate timeline on or about December first and second 2011.

It is composed of; the digested waste coming from aliens that have consumed/eaten Spirits and humans, deactivated cut up and sliced Spirit particles, and is a huge radioactive negative thought pool. This material is used in the alien slaver clone factories and elsewhere as “glue” or the mortar used to create manifest energy and clones of humans, because just a single grain of our disassembled Spirit can power an interdimensional clone.

In essence, they took the “heart” out of what they have eaten, leaving only the thought/mind energy behind as their excrement. This how they stay alive, and this is how they put physical things in front of us. Remember that our physical world with its’ duality and time and mind energies is an artificial construct, and we are Spirits from above and beyond this - who have been damaged and dumbed down and trapped here.

The Creation Lightship tried to dissolve the huge planet sized dungball, but the Source Energy beamed at it was only reflected back out of it in a jagged mirrored fashion. Normally pure Source Energy would instantly dissolve anything negative (slavers, ships, motherships, planets) because of the artificial non-Light impurities they are created and composed of, but in this case apparently there was enough real (although mangled and energy deficient) concentrated Spirit particles left to prevent its removal. For the time being the dungball is being isolated in quarantine - pending a more permanent solution to this new challenge to the Light. Cheer.

Also during this discovery phase, a huge (three times the size of our Earth) cloned Earth was discovered. All Earth humans are abducted and clones are made of them out of them and placed onto this clone planet. It had been an interdimensional “feeding station” for thousands of alien races for thousands of years, who would drop by and use our Spirit particles and clones as snacks to keep themselves in existence. A total chronic vampire-parasite scenario involving the Galactic Federation, not their channeled psy-ops misinformation attempting to get us to love and worship our slavers. After all, the less fuss, the easier the holographic prison Earth is to maintain.

So, Creation Lightship destroyed the Earth clone in an instant. This was mostly on Thursday December 1st 2011. Cheer. Cheer loudly! Cheer again!

As the Lightship digs deeper we discover all the ways humanity has been used and abused badly since we were created by trapping our Spirits in alien DNA. A big Thank You to the Earth Defense Forces that work with the Lightship, and to the Lightship crew as they both are saving us.

The reaction to the destruction of the aliens’ ancient feeding station was fierce. Counter attacking commenced, precipitating the most intense fighting yet between our forces and theirs!

Some say what I report is so strongly negative it is hard to read. It’s true, for time and space considerations I have to concentrate the reports, and our real situation is not the usual hollow - and only surface deep - love, and light, and “fun” feelings of TV, “space brothers,” politics, romance, sports, and religions. These are the slaver’s main PR spins to hide the truth just out of physical sight. It’s gross, but you are already immersed in the worst of it, unless you aren’t reading this because you are trapped in a cage somewhere and about to be consumed or experimented on.

Mind diversions are used continuously to keep the herd/us entertained and therefore asleep. Including wars, scandals, and telling you light and love is all there are, so human, ignore these reports, and our implants will turn you away. What better way of maintaining control is there?

There is no way to sugarcoat this. If you want to know the real truth of the rest of our existence, according to the people that can directly see it, cause we can’t, I’m servin’ it up fresh off the front lines. But, as I always explain, all is not lost.

We can regain our complete Spirits and ascend out of this mess we got into - once we hear about it and find out how, contrary to the longstanding unconscious programmed suppression of this information that was pre-loaded into us. Instead of waiting lazily for a savior, or for the afterlife, what if these reports are actually part of your personal self-saving suggestions right now?

Everyone here is cloned, so the Lightship has created a new Earth Planet that has no mind energy - so no clones. This will be used by those able and wishing to do so - free will free choice after the real Ascension.

The future and source equipped time traveling Earth Defense Forces can hop from timeline to timeline - otherwise they could never battle the invisible to us slaver aliens. Our Earth warriors are recruited from all countries, including Eskimo tribes from Alaska, Africans, Russians, etc., and U.S.A. is doing all the coordinating.

Part of their duties are to protect those of us working with the Lightship on the path of Ascension. Usually between 2 to 20 soldiers are always on duty protecting us with their advanced sensors, armor, battle dress, and weapons.

Interesting sideline about the weapons. The limited speed of light lasers and regular bullets are what the soldiers perceive they are using, but such weapons can be defeated by an enemy being faster, or time shifting, and moving out of their way before they get hit. To overcome the drawbacks of being in time, our soldiers’ weapons actually fire timeless Source Energy, and the results are instantaneous, so no darkside invader alien can move out of the crosshairs.

Reports have come in that our chrononauts are here to assist and are guarding people, and one person said he vividly saw there were four future soldiers stationed around his bedroom while he and his wife slept. They were 7-8 feet tall, had futuristic armor and uniforms, and were very serious and possessing a heavy energy as they guarded them against the Galactic Federation of Light and other darkside invaders. They all had long hair, and one’s hair was green.

Others tell us that when the soldiers come into the room, the dogs and cats look up. If they weren’t here defending us, we wouldn’t be living here any longer.

It is possible for civilians to join in defense of our Earth by bi-location and volunteering without any disruption of your normal life. Watch for discussion meeting announcements on Rumor Mill News.

Creation Lightship holds free Question and Answer conference calls every Wednesday and Friday nights. 8pm PST (or 11pm EST) - Wednesday 212-990-8000 pin# = 8008#, Friday 646-519-5800, pin# = 9009#

You may also listen to and join the discussion on the free evening radio shows Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat on

How we got in this mess:




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