Mud-luscious and Puddle-wonderful

I can't resist ee cummings.  For anyone unfamiliar with his streamy, playful prose, i encourage you to google this guy. He writes of love and nature, with refreshing wit and satire. his poems, like dickinson's, are titled by first line... so this one is called, in just-


    in Just-
    spring       when the world is mud-
    luscious the little
    lame balloonman


    whistles       far       and wee


    and eddieandbill come
    running from marbles and
    piracies and it's


    when the world is puddle-wonderful


    the queer
    old balloonman whistles
    far       and       wee
    and bettyandisbel come dancing


     from hop-scotch and jump-rope and






    balloonMan       whistles


    e.e. cummings

if that tickled your senses, try O sweet spontaneous, thy fingers make early flowers, and i thank you God for this amazing

and, why not, heres an exerpt from this is the garden:colours come and go

"This is the garden:pursed lips do blow
upon cool flutes within wide glooms,and sing
(of harps celestial to the quivering string)
invisible faces hauntingly and slow.


This is the garden.   Time shall surely reap
and on Death's blade lie many a flower curled..."

that poem in its entirety is worth reading! check it out!



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