District leader needed for no-tanker voter campaign

Jess's picture

Hi Folks,

I signed up to make 20 calls to district voters in the next few weeks urging them to contact vote for provincial legislators who support the "No Tankers" campaign. But it turns out we need a "district leader" to coordinate this calling/door-to-door get out the vote effort. I can't as I'm back east for another month. Anyone interested? Here's the email I received from "No Tankers" ... it has a link for finding out more. Thanks and see y'all soon. Jessica S.



Back in 2007 when we launched the No Tankers campaign, few British Columbians had ever heard of plans to bring hundreds of oil tankers to our inside coastal waters.

Now, six years later, polling shows oil tanker and pipeline proposals is the No. 2 issue for most voters going into May’s provincial election.

Jessica, that’s thanks to you. Your efforts have helped ensure that protecting our rivers, coast and communities from oil spills is a top B.C. election issue. 

Now it’s time to seal the deal. With pressure coming from China, the world’s biggest oil companies and our own federal government, this provincial election is a crucial moment in the battle to protect B.C.’s coast from oil spills.

That’s where you’re needed next. Please sign up today as a No Tankers election volunteer. To build a strong mandate for the next government of B.C. to stand up for our coast and help elect strong candidates, we need to have one-on-one conversations with as many voters as possible in the next five weeks.

Sign up here to have 20 conversations with voters in your riding on the phone or at the door.

We’ve created a sophisticated online election platform, which allows people like you all over the province to call voters in your own riding from the comfort of your home. It also allows you to organize door-knocking events with other volunteers in your area. But for this to work, we’re going to need hundreds of you to join us to talk to voters about where our candidates stand on proposals to bring more oil tankers to our coast.

We know it can seem scary to make phone calls or knock on doors, but the truth is to win this battle we’re all going to have to step a little outside of our comfort zones. And it’s much easier to have conversations with our neighbours than to clean up oil from our favourite beaches or rivers.

One-on-one conversations have been proven to be the single most effective way to increase voter turnout. So, will you join us and commit to having 20 conversations during this election? 

Please, take a moment to think about how much you cherish our coast and consider lending a small amount of your time. The next few weeks are going to be a lot of fun and make a huge difference.

For our coast,

The No Tankers election team

P.S. The Dogwood approach to elections is unique because we don’t endorse candidates or parties — what we are asking you to do is provide voters with factual information on where their candidates stand on oil tanker proposals so they can make an informed decision and get out to the polls. Please sign up today to talk to 20 voters in your own area.