The NESARA Transformation Part B

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Part B; NESARA Transformation

My homework task in Macroeconomics was to answer some economic questions truthfully     It comes from the US perspective but Canada is being affected as well.

The words of Alan Greenspan, former Fed chairman, that the financial crisis of 2008 was a ‘ “once in a century credit tsunami”--- in other words, nobody saw it coming,’ is disinformation (Cernauskas, Malo, & Luzius, 2011), (Miriam-Webster 2013). Anyone who took the time to envision what was really happening in the world’s economy knew it was coming. The “officials” would like to have us think that it was unexpected, so we would continue to revere them and have them “save” us; but we knew the demise was coming without a doubt. Some of us even knew parts of it they had planned to keep the downfall process ongoing.

We have an international global economy now and are aware of lifestyle preferences that are naturally operating in other cultures. We can see that Asian countries live differently from the American way. Observation and awareness will start us understanding these cultures, how they operate and not be surprised when things take longer than we expect, unravel differently or other unforeseen circumstances start to unfold. Many Asian countries are heavily invested in US properties and realized that the US economy was headed for a downfall and did not want to forfeit all their investments (Table 12, 2013). The Chinese are masters at being fully present, as they stand in the background observing and becoming aware of every little part of a situation. They don’t make a move until they know they can be successful.

Harvey Bernard’s years of research did not go unnoticed. Quite a few people started researching the legal side of what was going on in the banking industry. Some of them were so appalled at what they found they unfortunately started bringing it to the attention of the media (Stearns, 2013). Many of these whistleblowers got sick and died or had accidents that eliminated them from their endeavors. Some of the whistleblowers learned to keep their mouths shut and kept on exploring, finding ways to persevere with their underground mission (Amitron, 2013). One particular lawyer read her mortgage papers so thoroughly she discovered she did not really own her house. She allowed it to go bankrupt and followed the trail of lies and corruption all the way back to the foundational criminality in Europe. After she had all the research concluded, and having her team in position all over the world, she confronted the officials with the illegal banking practices and watched them squirm. They knew their criminal activity was very, very exposed.  She is instrumental in pushing through this transformation as she has put legalities into place to support the changes. Since that time there has been Basel I, Basel II and now Basel III in banking reform and there are still banks that are scrambling to get enough Gold Certificates to honor their assets.

Supposedly in the week of April 28th 2013 Judge Roberts released the Gold Certificates for the Farm Claim Lawsuit recipients and later with Supreme Court Justices in Reno, Nevada released the Farm Claim Lawsuit documents. Many thousands of farmers will be receiving financial settlements as soon as everything is in place, they have the codes to cash in and are allowed to talk about it. US Marshalls are delivering the packages to the farmers. It is likely that US Marshalls will be assisting the banks during revaluation of currency. In this same week in April the CEO of Wells Fargo met with the US Supreme Court to plead to stop the Farm Claims Lawsuit release. He was fired. During this same week Wells Fargo along with Chase and Citibank applied for Sovereignty Papers to abdicate themselves from the Federal Reserve System to become US Treasury Banks. During this week new file servers were installed in the Treasury to free them from the Federal Reserve System. This was accompanied with the presence of a special military force.

Wells Fargo, even though it is a small bank has been the lead bank in this metal-backed currency exchange. Up until very recently it has had 49% ownership by China. On the weekend of May 3-5, about 200 Wells Fargo bankers were arrested. On this same weekend all the US banks updated or replaced their servers to abdicate the Federal Reserve in favor of the US Treasury. There are now 208 countries of the world on the same banking system. During the week of May 5th the system was put in place for new US Treasury dollars to be 100% backed by gold and other precious metals by the date of May 15, 2013.

In April, Chase CEO Jamie Damon was arrested and interrogated on corrupt banking customs. He covered his ass by exposing the plans against revaluing the economic currency and system. The rumor is that Chase is now Basel III compliant which is interesting because they had the largest default on derivatives of Gold Certificates. Did Chase get paid off for squealing?

Wells Fargo has always had some gold backed currency as it has been partly owned by the Queen of England. Warren Buffet owned the 51% of Wells Fargo with silent partners, Bill Gates, George Bush and the Queen of England. For some reason he has sold out their controlling interest to the Old Chinese Family who now own 69% of Wells Fargo. This is difficult to fathom, because as I understand it, these four do not want the currency revaluation to happen, the Farm Claim Lawsuit to be paid out, or anyone to receive prosperity packages. Is it that they were offered clemency and more money than their stock was worth? China must have paid them lots to get them out of blurring the decision-making picture.

Russia came in and bought controlling interest in Citibank because they were not able on their own to achieve Basel III compliancy. Then what Russia did was sell that interest to the Old Chinese Family who had enough gold to back them so they could qualify. At the end of March 2013 the US debt GDP was 104.8% a 1.8% increase from the end of 2012. This debt growth rate would embarrass even the most insolvent European country (Durden, 2013).

There is a trend in foreign direct investment (FDI) where foreigners who have attained citizenship are using their foreign money to purchase large tracts of land and businesses in their adopted country. This is not a bad thing or a good thing, but it does make it challenging to know the real percentage of foreign investment in the US (Graebner, 2012). The Asian cultures have the patience to wade through the miles of paperwork on distressed properties to determine the possible assets. With so many people losing their homes to foreclosure, the rental housing markets are booming. These ‘foreign’ US citizens are acting like intermediaries bringing in their native culture’s money invisibly (Sadovi, 2010).  A trip to Vancouver, Canada alerts you to the tremendous influence of the Asian population. The second language is not French in that city. They have bought up large tracts of real estate, farms and resources along with adjoining homes and businesses all over North America (Snyder, 2013). According to the Federal Reserve, China holds $1.2 trillion of US debt whereas American citizens hold only $959 billion (Murse, n.d.).

The Troubled Asset Recovery Program (TARP) started out during the recession in October of 2008 to allow banks to auction their securities that were backed by mortgages to the Treasury Department. Realizing that the Treasury thought they would end up paying too much and the banks thinking they wouldn’t get enough, the project was abandoned. Instead the Treasury used TARP money to buy stock in 8 banks to the tune of $105 billion. A 5% dividend was given to the government which would increase to 9% if the banks didn’t purchase the government investment back. The Treasury bought $40 billion of preferred stock in American International Group, Inc. (AIG) (Amadeo, n.d.). If you are interested in exploring a corrupt company, take a look at this one’s involvement with the 9/11 tragedy. You might have to look under the rug now, but the truth is becoming public knowledge.

The Financial Services Industry has several divisions. We’ll start with the banking area that has arms reaching into all the other areas. $13.9 trillion in assets is a figure that was touted for 2011. With the intense banking underground activities that are going on today as the world’s currency is being revalued and the inability to come up with figures that will hold for 5 minutes, I cannot even guess what it could be today.

Rumor has it that there have been many hundreds more banker arrests as this cleanup process continues to unfold. Bankers are so used to diverting funds that they find it hard to break their habit of doing it. Fortunately the secret underground foundation is aware of their underhanded tactics and is able to use the parasitic banker elite’s own weapon, the law, against them. On May 9 this year Fannie-Mae had a record profit of $594 billion that it just turned over to the US Treasury; interesting eh (Fannie-Mae, 2013)? Just think about it! How can humanity be living in such desperate straits yet these banks can be making so much money? They really don’t want us to know what is going on so we have to pay very close attention if we want to see the reality of the situation. If you use conventional media as your information source, just believe the opposite of what you hear. It is closer to the truth than what they are broadcasting to you. This is the beginning of the end for the parasitic banking elite. You and I can gather little bits of information and try to make sense of it but often we don’t have enough information for it to make sense. Then one day we get that missing piece of what seems like useless information that gives us the Aha moment! and now it starts to make sense. We have been waiting a long time for this change to happen in our economy. We see the people behind the scenes getting things accomplished. NESARA originally was worked out for the United States. Now thanks to the involvement of major countries in the world it is an international economic restructuring. It is way bigger than it started out to be. It is involving 208 countries that have signed onto it as of this date May 10, 2013. It means that every illegal financial and government person in the world is being exposed along the way. The bloodsucking elite would like to have our attention distracted by a war so that they cannot proceed with the economic and currency reforms. It is like they are planning the Armageddon with PEACE not being an option (Faking it, 2013). The US president is trying to stop 14 states from exercising their constitutional rights to have state defense forces to protect their citizens from the federal establishment that is enforcing authority it does not own (Larive, 2013).

Eliminating the Federal Reserve Board and replacing it with a Congress controlled Treasury will bring government fiscal policies back into reality. No longer will foreign interests be claiming power over the citizens of the country and insisting that they are doing their deeds for the highest good of us all. For instance let’s look at the push to take guns away from us and make it harder to purchase a weapon and mandatory background checks etc, etc. The shadow government has set up situations where children are killed in school massacres, thousands of innocent people killed in building demolitions such as Oklahoma city and the 9/11 incident and most recently the False Flag terrorism at the Boston marathon finish line. This is all to let us know that the terrorists are after us and we must ask them to take the guns away from the population.

We are taught that it is too easy to own a gun and far too dangerous. The Department of Justice has just issued a report stating that between 1993 and 2011 episodes of gun violence died, not people. This happened even though more people purchased guns and more people were issued permits to hold concealed weapons and the assault weapon ban was lifted. Despite the hysteria about school shootings, the deaths in schools dropped almost a third. These decreases are part of an 18 year trend. For politicians that are more interested in eliminating humans as opposed to the freedom of human life, this report is a damaging summary. For the very controlled media, human life is also subject to being forfeited to human freedom. Let’s blame it all on some Chechen’s without realizing that these terrorists are home-grown (Nolte, 2013).

US Treasurer Jack Lew has special security forces surrounding him as he is the one who is running the process of taking down the US Corporation and installing the Republic form of US Constitutional government and releasing the new currency, the Farm Claims Lawsuit and the prosperity packages. Special military troops, directed by General Dempsey are assembling for temporary control at the Federal Reserve board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations. They expect there may be some unscrupulous banking practitioners unwilling to recognize and accept their loss of control.  The dark forces actually have surrendered but they just don't seem to be able to quit. Habits can be killers.

Supposedly we are waiting for the governor of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the US Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew and the new Wells Fargo CEO, probably Chinese, to finalize this process. I have heard that the “button” has been pushed. Know that this has to be felt in the electronics of 208 countries around the world. This “ping” has to be heard in each individual bank in each individual country. All microchip technology must be up and working. The Chinese culture is ready for action. We are all tired of our phony governments, our banking, our corrupt legal practices and ready for this overhaul.

The monetary policy that caused this predicament in the world is greed. There are agreements on top of agreements on top of even more agreements, and you are supposed to remember and follow all of them. They are called laws, they are touted as sacred, so we are expected to honor them. There is no way to make any of these economic policies and laws effective because their primary purpose is to manipulate and control people. Through apathy, humankind has given away its sovereignty.  The only way to get peace in the world is to reclaim it. Sovereignty has no polarity. It is not a mental attribute. It lives in our hearts, not our heads (Amitron, 2013). It recognizes the truth of who we really are. We can then start living in that truth.

Things are changing faster than I can write about them and by the time you read this, much of what I have written will be obsolete. I have a homework deadline to turn in this paper. If it has sparked any interest for you, please look underneath what seems to be happening in the world. There are quite a few people in strategic positions doing their best to bring integrity into the banking, political and governmental issues on this planet. They are not waving any personal flags.



Amadeo, K., (n.d.) TARP program. Retrieved from (2013). Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.

Retrieved from

Amitron, R., (2013) Hidden Media Info. Retrieved from

Amitron, R., (2013) Mind to heart drop. Retrieved from

Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States (n.d.) Retrieved from

Beckow, S., (2011) Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA. Retrieved from

Beggs, J., (n.d.) Okun’s law, Retrieved from

Boudreaux, D., (2012) Inconceivable complexity. Retrieved from

Cernauskas, D., Malo, V., and Luzius, M., (2011) Macroeconomics

Change is on the horizon. Part 3 of 3 Farmers Claims Program (2011) Retrieved from

Cold fusion; a story of suppressed technology (2000) Retrieved from

Declaration of Independence 2012, (July 2012) Retrieved from

Durden, T., (April 26, 2013), Total US Debt To GDP: 105%

Retrieved from

Fannie-Mae, (2013)  This reference was deleted, presumably so you can’t follow it.

Graebner, R., (2012) China “Owns” the U.S.: Fact or Fiction? Retrieved from

Gwartney, J., (n.d.) Supply-side economics Retrieved from

Impact of Basel III (2012). Retrieved from

Larive, K., (2013) Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news? Retrieved from

Miriam-Webster (2013)Disinformation. false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. First known use of the word was in 1939.


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