Yoga with Amber

Event Date: 
Sunday, September 15, 2013 - Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Ah, autumn at last! Take some time for yourself, get back in the groove, and re-establish a commitment to self-development through yoga classes. We start up the third week of September. Three different classes to enjoy!
Important note: the Monday evening Flow class is changing to a Hatha for Strength class. This change is a small one; the practice will be very similar! We will still work with moderate and challenging postures that build core strength, muscle flexibility and skeletal mobility. But instead of the continuous dance-like vinyasa routines, we will take the poses one-by-one, to further deepen our internal experiences of them. This allows more room for modifications (for injuries, for example) and continuity of breath.
The Sunday morning class will remain the same, though it will now be called Hatha Basics, to differentiate between the two classes. And Restorative Yoga is remaining untouched.

Hatha Yoga Basics
WHEN: Sunday mornings, September 15th to November 3rd
TIME: 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Bonnie's yoga loft, south end
Hatha Basics is a gentle to moderately-paced class that develops postural alignment and breath awareness in traditional yoga postures. All experience levels welcome. Eight weeks: $90 for a full session; $15 for drop-ins.

Hatha Yoga for Strength

WHEN: Monday evenings, September 16th to November 4th
TIME: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: False Bay School
This is a moderate to challenging class that works on strengthening the body, breath and mind. Internal focus will be developed through a short pranayama or meditation practice at the end of each class. Active beginners and experienced yogins welcomed. Eight weeks: $90 for a full session; $15 for drop-ins.
Restorative Yoga
WHEN: Wednesday mornings, September 18th to November 6th
TIME: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
LOCATION: The Arts Centre
Restorative yoga is slow and soothing, using deep natural breathing to stretch and open the physical and energetic bodies. All levels; ideal for those with injuries and chronic conditions. Eight weeks: $90 for a full session; $15 for drop-ins. 

Please come to class promptly, on an empty stomach. Bring a mat and blanket, if possible. Half Moon sticky mats are for sale from $30.

Call Amber to register! #333-8775

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