Lasqueti punches above its weight in TransMountain pipeline hearing

joseph's picture

The National Energy Board’s "public" process for Trans-Mountain pipeline is deeply flawed, and only allowed a select few  - just 1250 “Commentors” were allowed to address the board.   But amazingly, SEVEN Lasquetians were selected and wrote letters of comments - our contributions represent over 0.5% of all Commentors, though we only account for less than 0.01% of the population!
The letters of comment from Lasquetians varied widely in their style, approach, and focus.  All are well-written and worth reading if you are interested in what is happening with pipeline development in our province.  You can find them below:

 - Tracey Loverock:
       — be sure to look at the attached PDF - it is a wonderful set of photo-meme’s about what we stand to lose:

 - Shawnna Karras:
    — beautifully articulates the “view from here” - way to go Shawnna!!

 - David and Laura Slik:
    — full of striking photos, making very compelling arguments

- Andrew Fall:
    — written in his usual articulate style, of course. “Alberta Pipeline Performance” attachment:

 - Sheila Harrington:
    — well-documented expose of the flaws in this project proposal.  Attachments:

 - Peter Johnston:
    — persuasively argued, of course, from the perspective of a long-time Lasqueti resident

 - Joseph Fall:
    — more a rant against that process than a coherent comment on the actual project.

My personal gratitude to all the other Commentors for taking time out of their busy summers to craft such thoughtful and meaningful input for the NEB - I hope they are listening, but at the very least, we have certainly spoken loudly and clearly.


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