A reminder for every one regarding Extreme Fire Danger

Though it's rained a bit and dampened the surface of most things, it's still extremely dry, and any fire stands a good chance of becoming catastrophic.  Please be extremely careful, and remind visitors and others of the danger.


from Fire Marshall Sean McCooey:

A TOTAL FIRE BAN is in effect for Lasqueti Island. Campfires and beach fires are prohibited. There is no open burning allowed. No fires of any kind. Please do not use your wood stove during this closure. BBQ’s are still permitted. Do not smoke in or near the forest. This ban is in effect to help prevent human caused fires.


The fire danger class is EXTREME and has been for three (3) consecutive days. Workers must cease all high risk activities in forest and grasslands. This SHUTDOWN will remain in effect until the fire danger class falls below EXTREME for 3 or more days or falls below HIGH.


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