Potential Red Measles on Lasqueti

From Nurse Dana:

There is one unconfirmed case of red measles on the island. It has a 7-14 day incubation period, followed by a fever, red eyes and a bad cough.
Small spots may appeard in the mouth that look like tiny grains of white sand surrounded by redness. An inflamed throat may make it painful to eat
or drink. 3-5 days after onset of symptoms a rash develops often starting around the ears and on the sides of the throat that soon spreads over
entire body (within 24-48 hours). The fever may exceed 40'. Tylenol may help to control fever but a persistent high fever can harm your child.
You should consult your doctor then. A child sick with measles is highly suseptable to other respiratory infections especially middle ear, throat
and lung infections.

Again this case is unconfirmed, just suspected, but it is wise to keep unvaccinated preschool children separated until there are no new cases.
It is highly contagious by droplets (close contact, coughing) from 2-4 days before rash to 2-5 days after rash onset.





We were planning a trip to the island with my unvaccinated daughter.

Was this case or any other confirmed?

I haven't heard any

I haven't heard any confirmation yet. You can try calling the nurse, Dana: 250-240-2047 0r 250-752-4355. Hope that helps, I will post any additional info when I know...

FYI: I asked Nurse Dana

FYI: I asked Nurse Dana MacPhail for a follow-up about the potential measles outbreak and here was her response:

- Julie

"As far as I know, from March 23, there was still only the one case of suspected measles. Nothing was confirmed and I suspect that by now, if there are no other cases of rashes, it may have been more of a cautionary tale.  Rashes are one of the hardest things to diagnose, but it best to err on the side of caution."

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