Greens excluded... again!
Here we go again - the "broadcast consortium" that holds our federal leaders debate has, in their wisdom, decided to exclude the Elizabeth May from participating. This despite the fact that the Green party runs candidates in every riding across the country, making it a truly national party, and that they acquired 6.8% of the popular vote in the last election - a figure which should surely land them a seat in government if not for our antiquated electoral system.
They tried the same thing in 2008, and then reversed their decision due to public indignation and outcry. Time to cry out again people - write some letters or fire off an e-mail, it'll only take a few minutes.
Here's the story:
Here's a contact info for CBC:
(you can send them a message directly through the web form here).
Help get Elizabeth into the leaders' debates:
Sign the demand democratic debates petition:
Mail the media executives responsible for excluding Elizabeth--demand a seat for at the debate table
Thank you for raising your voice on behalf of true democracy.
My letter to the "media consortium"
Good day,
I am dismayed by your decision to exclude Ms. May from the upcoming leaders debate.
The Green Party is truly a national party that represents the unvoiced (in parliament) views of almost 1,000,000 voters across the country.
To exclude Ms. May is to muzzle the Green's fresh policies and unique perspectives - policies that at least 1,000,000 Canadians would like debated, at a time when the underlying issues are more pressing than ever.
At 6.8% of the popular vote, it is only our antiquated electoral system - one to which YOU are not bound in this decision - that prevents the voice of so many voters to be unheard in parliament. For these reasons, and in the name of fairness and balance in the media, it is imperative that you reverse your decision and allow Ms. May to participate.
I, for one, will be boycotting the televised leaders debate - a decision I don't take lightly, if Ms. May is excluded.
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