Clones … What are they? Are they real? Part 4

earthhealing's picture

We are timeline-crash-abducted through our emotional concerns. The more our buttons can be pushed, the more they want us. Aliens want to control and manipulate since they do not have any spirit, however there are a few good aliens. Most of them don’t know there is Light or realize they can have it if they ask for it. A few alien species are consciously working themselves through to full consciousness as we are. Many of them are hanging around earth watching and learning what not to do!

Do you remember when the things you used to buy had to have a price sticker on them to get totaled by the cashier? Then the bar codes came. This reduced this part of life to just a particular physical motion to read the code. It could be called easier, but in reality it allowed us to become significantly less observant. Barcodes are the physical reflection of what the parasitic aliens are doing to enhance our emotional traumatic energies. They place abduction bar codes on us so we are easily accessed and recognized. Natal barcodes are placed on us relating to our birth; where we were born, our name, date and time of birth. They are placed on our Spirit; on our mind, and in our blood. Every person has several death barcodes so they become debilitated and more easily controlled. The darkness tells you to stay here to learn and grow. Life is a schoolroom, but your spirit does not live in your head. It has nothing to learn. It is really lonesome because you do not talk to it anymore.

The Light minds its own business. It just shines everywhere. It has given us free will, which means we get to do whatever we want without interference from the Light. Light only lives in the now. It has no past or future. Light does not channel. Light does not judge.  Light has no duality. Light does not prophesize. All prophecies are from the darkness. Light listens and will do anything you want, but you must ask for what it is you want. It needs to know your desire. Light will not and cannot assume. Think about it? If you are only 20% in your spiritual body, it means you can only heal 20%. If Light were to see that you had a broken arm, Light would see your broken arm as your right to exercise your free will and have a broken arm. If you want help with that arm you must ask Light for that help.

We need to clean out our parasitic densities. Jesus came here from the Creation Lightship to clean out our bodies 2000 years ago and teach ascension. Back then they called it “everlasting life”. Ron Amitron is here now as this same conduit so we can clean up our bodies and activate our spirit so at ascension time the Light Ship can find us. Ascension becomes available every 2000 years. The time is now. Amitron, R. (2011)


Amitron, R (2011) Retrieved from

Amitron, R. (2011) Mind to Heart Drop Retrieved from  Free clearing

Finley, G. (2011) The Powerful Possibilities of Self-Seeing. Seeker’s Guide to Self-Freedom pages 31-32

Finley, G. (2011) Remember Yourself and Realize Freedom. Retrieved from

Nidle, S. (2011) Retrieved from

Sircus, M. (2011) Retrieved from




Great Post

We need to hope that the good Aliens can affect change.

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