News from the Digital Frontier

Article from the May issue of Our Isle and Times

The new website has been running for a month now, and folks are signing up almost daily. Last month I provided some basic tips for how to get started using the website – if you haven’t done so yet, please take a moment to create yourself an account - if you use dial-up, you can choose to improve download speeds by having the site omit some images. This month I’ll highlight some examples of how the site is being used to enhance communication, art, and culture on Lasqueti...
  1. Virtual Art Exhibit. Colin is a visiting artist who spent the winter in residency here on Lasqueti to paint portraits of local characters. You’ll see his artwork appear on the front page – you can click on any of these images to get a full-sized version. His artwork can also be seen in the community photo gallery (, and in the “mini-gallery” on his page ( Colin manages all of this himself simply by posting new photos and selecting options to indicate where the photos should appear – the website takes care of the rest.

  2. Favourite Poems. To celebrate National Poetry Month, Sue W. thought it’d be nice if folks could contribute their own “favourite poem” to the website! Easy - simply post a new Blog entry and ‘tag’ it as a “favourite poem” (see The website will automatically list your poem with the others at

  3. Flexible Schedule. Amber runs a number of yoga classes and sessions throughout the year. Her page on the site ( maitains a list of “Yoga Events” to show upcoming class times. Each event is linked to a description of the class with more details. These classes are also listed on the community calendar (, and, as the class time draws near, they automatically appear in the “Upcoming Events” block on the front page. To announce a new class, Amber simply posts an Event item – the website takes care of listing the class in all the right places.

  4. Peter’s List. If you are not on Peter J’s e-mail list, you are missing a good deal of what goes on. People send Peter messages and he creates a digest and posts it on the website’s forum ( If you “subscribe” to the list, then you can receive these digests automatically by e-mail. In fact, you can “subscribe” to just about anything on the site to receive updates by e-mail - I’ll explain how next month.
Tip o’ the Month: Click the Nanaimo Weather icon on the front page to go directly to the Weather Office 5-day forecast. The “More Weather & Tides” link has a variety of other weather related sites.

Please keep in mind that there is still lots of content to be added, and there are probably some annoying bugs left in the system - but I won’t find them unless you tell me, so please let me know what works and what sucks. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, as always webmaster (at) (8849) Joseph


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