
Event Date: 
Friday, August 22, 2008 - Saturday, August 23, 2008

24-Hour Church of Beer will be hosting Rockshow!

Mark your calendars - Aug. 22-23.   This year we hope to host around 10 live bands with a variety of styles for all ages and most tastes.  If you love a band that you think may want to come, by all means get us into contact with them!

More info as things firm up.  Cheers!

-Tim Peterson

This news is related to...: 

24 Hour Church of Beer

"The discerning alcohol enthusist's religion"

Alt-rock "home-grown" on Lasqueti Island!



More Rockshow! info

For info on bands and more hit

Questions? rockshowlasqueti [at] yahoo [dot] com

Rock show 2011

I was wondering if Rock show 2011 is happening.

I am a veteran of rock show 3
and looking to return with my band.

We are having lots of success playing in the sea to sky corridor.

I would love very much to play lasquiti as it is a magical place.


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