Qi Gong Classes

From Noel Taylor:

I will be offering early morning Qi Gong classes this summer on most Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00am in my garden.  Call me at 333-8878 or e-mail weiwuwei2222 [at] gmail [dot] com for more information, or if you're interested in attending.

Class drop-in fee: $5.00

Qi Gong is a wholistic system of self healing exercise and meditation, and ancient, evolving practice that includes healing posture, movement, self massage, breathing techniques, and meditation.  These classes are an invitation to feel more alive and connected to all of who we are.

Please plan to arrive about 10 min. early (7:50am), so we can warm up and start at 8:00am.  Thanks.


Fitness/martial arts classes?

I'll be spending a few months in Lasqueti. Is anyone 9ffering classes of any sort?

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