contact information for premier and ministers relevant to Texada coal project

For those with time and energy to write emails, make phone calls, send faxes or letters, here are some relevant addresses.

Phone calls and emails/letters to media, and talking to friends and neighbours to get them interested and active to oppose this silly, deadly plan will also help stop it.

Premier   Premier [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca    Hon. Christy Clark    250 387-1715     fax  250 387-0087   PO BOX 9041 STN PROV GOVT   Victoria  V8W9E1

Minister of Energy and Mines     MEM [dot] Minister [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca   Hon. Bill Bennett     250-387-1715    fax   250 356-2965   PO Box 9060 Stn Prov Govt  Victoria V8W9E2

Minister of Environent      ENV [dot] minister [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca     Hon Mary Polak  250 387-1187    fax  250 387-1356    PO Box 9047   Stn Pov Govt  Rm 112, Parliament Buildings  Victoria   V8W9E2

Minister of Health      hlth [dot] minister [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca   Hon Terry Lake     250 953-3547   fax 250 356-9587      PO BOX 9050   STN PROV GOVT  Victoria BC  V8W9E2

Lasqueti (Parksville/Qualicum) MLA  Michelle [dot] Stilwell [dot] MLA [at] leg [dot] bc [dot] ca (Michelle [dot] Stilwell [dot] MLA [at] leg [dot] bc [dot] ca   )Michelle Stilwell   250-356-0963  Parksville office   250-248-2625  fax 250-248-2787

climate_action [at] vtacc [dot] org  This address will keep VTACC aware of public action and reaction. Check their website at



opposing the Texada Coal project

It's probably too late for letters, phone calls, and petitions to make much difference, because the government has been receiving them and rejecting them for a long time now. Still, a blast of them might help. One email can be sent to all the recipients, or one written each day. Same with phone calls, if that's more your style. Access data is posted at
There is an on-line petition you can sign against the coal export project, and lots of information about it, at

What I think we need is planning for citizens to undertake disruption of the whole project. Blockading the train tracks where the coal trains will enter Canada, preventing the coal from getting to Fraser Surrey Docks, seems like the obvious way to protest. I imagine that there will be US citizens willing to indicate their opposition to the trains traversing their states (and denying them the 25 direct and 25 indirect jobs that our government says we will be getting - though we'll all get the coal dust and increased CO2 and climate change that will be caused).
If we indicate strongly enough that we will not allow this project to proceed, Fraser Surrey Docks on the Fraser River and Lafarge on Texada will be reluctant to spend the big bucks on equipment and infrastructure that are necessary before they can do the dirty work.

Direct Action Gets Satisfaction:)

It's time to blockade the LaFarge port on Texada:) If there's any legal fall out from it we could use the Lasqueti Defense Fund to help those people out.

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