Notice of Parcel Tax Roll - Powell River Regional District

Lasqueti Island Fire Protection Local Service Area

The Powell River Regional District has prepared the 2015 parcel tax roll as required by Section 202 of the Community Charter. The parcel tax roll lists the parcels eligible to be taxed for each service in 2015. Owners of properties located in the above service area may view the roll at the regional district office during regular office hours.

Property owners may request an amendment to the roll only with respect to their own property and only for the following reasons:

  1. There is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the roll
  2. There is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel
  3. An exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed

Requests for an amendment to the parcel tax roll must be in writing and received at the address below no later than Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 4:30 pm.


Linda Greenan, Manager of Financial Services
Powell River Regional District
#202 – 4675 Marine Avenue, Powell River, BC  V8A-2L2
Fax:  604-485-2216  Phone:  604-485-2260


also sent to the email list:

This morning the Powell River Regional District posted notice on our web site and email list that they have prepared the parcel tax roll for the "Lasqueti Island Fire Protection Local Service Area", and that property owners can view the roll at the PRRD office in Powell River, and (if an error has been made) request an amendment in writing before 4:30pm Thursday, February 26.

Around 1pm, when I learned this, I emailed the Manager of Financial Services to ask how I could view the roll if I am unable or unwilling to travel to Powell River.

I also emailed Merrick and Al Radke, saying it looked like they would proceed with the 911 proposal, no matter what people said at Friday's information meeting. I told them that the community needed to be consulted, and meaningful consultation includes listening to what people say and think before a decision is made.

I told them that, if this impression is incorrect, it would be a very good idea to correct it as soon as possible, and definitely before Friday's meeting.

As of this writing (8:30pm) I have received no explanation or anything from any of them.

This seems like an example of what First Nations people must have be experiencing for ever, and still are. Message to government representatives (elected and administrative): Consult your community. Don't make decisions for them. Tell them what you're thinking, and listen to what they think and know. It will result in better decisions, and better communities.

more information

Merrick tells me, after my irate posting above, that the tax roll has nothing to do with the switch to 911 service. It has to do with the new planned fire hall.

From Merrick's email to me: "... the RD is statutorily required to authenticate the parcel tax roll by the end of February to ensure that no one's info is incorrect. The posting has nothing to do with the 911 or numbering process, rather the new main Firehall that is in the works. The RD has the legal responsibility to provide emergency services, and has to follow guidelines that are time sensitive. It is unfortunate that timing and phrasing have caused so much confusion, I'm hoping things will be clearer after the meeting tomorrow evening."

I hope that everyone with concerns about - or with support for - the proposal will come to the meeting, or send their questions and opinions to Merrick and Al Radke, and also to post them publicly, here on this "node", or to the email list, or both, or have a friend or neighbour bring them to the meeting.

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