First this is not about the volunteer fire fighters or the volunteer first responders. I recognize that they give unselfishly, time and energy for our community. I feel the problem with the adopted motion concerning 911 for Lasqueti has to do with process. I feel that the changes needed due to Telus dropping the use of pagers should have been discussed on Island back in June 2014 when there was more time to find the suitable Lasqueti solution. I do not agree with way that 911 was brought to Lasqueti as a done deal with no previous forum on Island.

   From: How Region Districts Work

   The choice of services is determined by the Regional Board but those services can only be established with the support of the electors.

  From:Inside the PRRD

            Elections and Voting

       Alternate Approval Process

 At least 10% of eligible voters sign a petition opposing the proposal then the board must reconsider the proposed action.

  I am not sure how this would relate to the 911 proposal but I would think that a petition with at least 10% of the voters would get the attention of the board. I do not know how a petition of this sort is organized. It could involve elector response forms.

  I feel the 911 proposal is expensive with little benefits compared to what we have had and the civic address mapping is too intrusive for some. I can not picture the numbered signs that would be needed to mark driveways and houses. The signs would need to be very strong to put up with being near the road.









Links to PRRD documents:

Here are links to the documents that David is referring:

How Region Districts Work - http://www.powellriverrd.bc.ca/inside-the-prrd/about-the-prrd/how-region...

Elections and Voting - http://www.powellriverrd.bc.ca/inside-the-prrd/elections-and-voting/

This is an option we should evaluate to communicate to the PRRD the degree to which we are a) upset with how this has been handled, and b) do not agree with the new services.

Expressing our Needs, Desires and Instructions

As Al Radke, the Chief Administrative Officer of the PRRD has stated, "Regional Districts operate in direct response to the expressed needs, desires and instructions of their member jurisdictions."

It is time for the people of Electoral Area E (the member jurisdiction) to express our needs, desires and instructions to the PRRD.

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