messages to PRRD board members

It might be a good idea to let members of the Powell River Regional District board of directors know that the community wants them to rescind third reading of their bylaws including Lasqueti in the NI911 emergency system and instituting a house numbering system.  

These bylaws were passed without letting us know that they were being considered, and without any consultation with the community. The first most of us heard of it was the letter sent to landowners in late January (which arrived early February).

We decided at a community meeting February 23 to institute a temporary replacement of the Telus paging system, to give us time to consider the options available, and to insist that our regional district hear our desires and concerns before it makes any decisions affecting Lasqueti.

Here are the names, phone numbers and email addresses of the directors of the PRRD board, and the Chief Administrative Officer:

Regional directors:

area A   Patrick Brabazon (Board Chair)     604 483-4310     brabazon [at] shaw [dot] ca 
area B   Stan Gisborne     604 485-2935     stangis [at] shaw [dot] ca
area C   Colin Palmer 604 414-5740     csp12345 [at] shaw [dot] ca
area D   Sandy McCormick     604 414-3525     sandynleeti [at] gmail [dot] com
area E   Merrick Anderson     250 333-8773     merrickanderson9 [at] gmail [dot] com

Municipal directors

  Russell Brewer   604 414-8310    rbrewer [at] cdpr [dot] bc [dot] ca
  CaroleAnn Leishman    604 483-6171   cleishman [at] cdpr [dot] bc [dot] ca

Chief Administrative Officer

  Al Radke 604 485 2260  al [dot] radke [at] powellriverrd [dot] bc [dot] ca




BC government contact information

Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes
CSCD [dot] minister [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca
250 387-2283
fax 250 387-4312
PO Box 9056, STN PROV GOVT. Victoria BC V8W 9E2

MLA Michelle Stilwell
michelle [dot] stilwell [dot] mla [at] leg [dot] bc [dot] ca
250 356-6171
Parksville constituency office 250 248-2625

Premier Christy Clark
premier [at] gov [dot] bc [dot] ca
250 387-1715
fax 250 387-0087
PO BOX 9041 STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E1

more PRRD staff contact information

Ryan Thoms, Manager of Emergency Services, emergcoord [at] powellriverrd [dot] bc [dot] ca
Mike Wall, Manager of Community Services, communityservices [at] powellriverrd [dot] bc [dot] ca

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