call from PRRD chair Patrick Brabazon

I've just had a phone call from PRRD chair Patrick Brabazon. He's looking into the cost of coming to Lasqueti. The cost will be paid from the Lasqueti Fire Department budget.

From what I understand, he and the board feel the need to move forward towards 911 service, and will put money into the budget for it (and presumably house numbering). There could be consultation after the budget is adopted. Funds budgeted for 911 service on Lasqueti don't need to be spent, but they can't be spent if they aren't in the budget.

Possibly they will delay adopting the two bylaws until after there has been community discussion.

Another thing he said is that almost all of the objections have come from a handful of people -- like five -- by email or telephone.  Maybe most people are okay with the services being provided by PRRD to their standards, and don't need or want consultation before they are imposed.  I have a bit of problem being clear whose fire and emergency service it is - ours or Powell River's. Of course, it's both working together, but the working together could and should be running better and smoother.  Hopefully this will change and begin happening again soon.


A handful? What about the Petition?

How can they so blithely ignore the petition? Either Mr. Brabazon is ignorant of the contents of the petition, or is being disingenuous by saying that only a handful of people are objecting to this.

Petition + poll numbers

The petition had well over 100 signatures within two days, all asking for the PRRD to pause the process to allow for public consultation.

An informal poll last week asked whether or not people agreed with the Board pausing the process to provide time for community consultation. There were over 100 respondents, half of which were from random telephone calls. More than 93% of responses agreed.

That's more than 5.

Clearly, if you want the Board to hear your request for public input, you need to contact Board Chair Brabazon directly.

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