Lasqueti Email List re Andrew Fall Data Collection Initiative...DISCLAIMER

The Powell River Regional District (PRRD) has grave concerns with an initiative that appears to be taking flight. To be clear, this data collection initiative has not been endorsed by the PRRD Board or the service that it provides, commonly know as the Lasqueti Island Volunteer Fire Department (LIVFD).

First, the PRRD is concerned that this initiative is being promoted to be a LIVFD project without the Board having sanctioned it. Is also disrespects local government organization hierarchy as it is being represented by someone without designated authority to speak on behalf of the Board or the LIVFD.

Second, we fear that this initiative will ultimately collect private information. The PRRD is extremely concerned that with their name being associated with the project, any potential misuse or improperly shared private information will put the PRRD in a precarious position. On top of that, a pillar of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act states that "A public body may use personal information in its custody or under its control only for the purpose for which that information was obtained or compiled, or for a use consistent with that purpose." Therefore, the appropriate immediate and/or extended use of the collected information is questionable and suspect.

Furthermore, the Board passed a resolution on October 22, 2105 as follows:

"THAT the Board concur with the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole to direct staff to proceed with prioritizing the implementation of all necessary measures to meet the statutory and regulatory requirements (ie: fire service levels) for the Lasqueti Fire Protection Service, and in any cases where such requirements are not mandated by statute or regulation (ie: dispatch and house numbering service) to direct staff to establish an advisory committee comprised of the Fire Chief and local residents to advise on how to deliver these services in concordance with its legal obligations and to the best attainable standards."

This initiative, in the context that it is being presented, does not respect the Board's directive and actions expected to be carried out through the normal channels of protocol and process.


Al Radke, Chief Administrative Officer, Powell River Regional District


This news is related to...: 

Regional District

Lasqueti Island is part of the qathet Regional District. A regional district is set up to provide different services in different areas according to the needs and desires of each area’s residents and property owners. Only those who receive the service pay for it.


joseph's picture

Some questions for our Regional Director

I am quite confused by CAO Radke’s post above, which raises for me a series of questions I have directed to our regional director, Mr. Anderson.

1) The Lasqueti community has been loudly and publicly requesting that the PRRD Board strike a committee or commission to provide a formal structure to investigate emergency dispatch and communications systems, and the Board has dragged its heels for 7 months after deferring the by-laws.
While it is good news that a committee has finally been recommended, throughout the intervening period, you, personally, have been publicly vocal that you feel nothing is happening - "it’s all talk” - despite much evidence that a local group of volunteers has been very busy and hard at work, developing process, holding public consultation meetings, and actively planning and researching technologies.
— It seems we are guilty both of inaction and of taking action — please advise, are we to wait for direction from the Board or demonstrate a willingness to take initiative?
— Why is the CAO so alarmed that the LIVFD would take their own initiative to collaborate with the local University to identify potential solutions to one of the key problems they face in their day-to-day operations?

2) In a public response to a private e-mail I previously sent, you stated:
"My problem with the Lasqueti committee to find solutions for the dispatch problems is that they are not working with the Fire Chief or the LIVFD on these solutions. … I am concerned about the sustainability of a homespun program that leans heavily on our aging dispatchers and people like Craig Huston who know where people live because he delivers propane. Our current mapping is full of holes.”
Yet, when we act to support LIVFD members on a project of their own initiative — one aimed directly at addressing exactly these specific issues — that raises “grave concerns” for the CAO?
— Was the CAO unaware that you had been encouraging closer collaboration with the LIVFD?
— Is the CAO saying that, as a community, we have no right to undertake a project to map local fire-fighting resources and routes, or to engage with the local University to gain some technical expertise?
— Is the CAO implying that the LIVFD can take no action to solve their own problems without a specific directive from the Board?

3) Mr. Radke’s rhetoric is quite inflammatory - it appears to me more designed to sow misinformation and distrust within our community than to communicate any relevant information. In particular, his attempt to link Andrew Fall, specifically, with speaking without “designated authority" and with “misuse or improperly shared private information", seems like a smear, perhaps verging on defamation (“communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person”).
— Why did you yourself refer to “mapping moves by Andrew's committee” in your recent message to the community when you had been consulted and had full, prior knowledge that Andrew was simply the messenger — doing communications for a project initiated within the LIVFD?
— How is it that Mr. Radke came to conclude (and publicly declare) this to be the “Andrew Fall Data Collection Initiative”?
— Most importantly - did the Board approve Mr. Radke's communication or otherwise instruct Mr. Radke to engage directly with the Lasqueti community on this matter?

Director Anderson - please do not brush these off as mere rhetorical questions — I am definitely looking for concrete answers.
As I said in my last message to you - I am SO tired of this fight. If PRRD Board and staff had been working WITH us these last 7 months we could have accomplished much towards a solution, yet we continue to waste time and resources on these inane political battles. It is exhausting and I am sick of it. I would like some answers please - what is going on inside the PRRD? If the Board has no intention of following through with a transparent, consultative, interests-based decision making process, please come out and say so plainly and frankly so that we can all turn our attention to more productive matters rather than grinding away our time and spirits against an unyielding bureaucratic machine, henceforth known as Mr. Radke's "government organization hierarchy“.

Mr. Radke's Rant

How shocking that any Lasqueti resident would ever disrespect local government hierarchy by showing some initiative, and working on possible solutions to a local issue without being sanctioned by said government!
That said initiative, or any other, does not respect the Board's directive is even more shocking, given the level of public consultation, meaningful community engagement, and overall transparency shown by the hierarchy!
Wake up, Mr. Radke, and if you don't like the smell of the coffee, remember- you brewed it.

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