LTC Special Meeting

Event Date: 
Monday, January 8, 2018 - 11:00am - 3:00pm

LTC Special Meeting, January 8, at the Health Centre.
Susan and I have requested this meeting in order to look at OCP/LUB review. With community interest in engaging in this, we felt it was important to be able to provide solid information. This meeting will focus on the process, so that those interested in engaging in the review have some clear guidelines, and that the work they may do can be utilized effectively by the LTC. 
In addition, each of us will be hosting more informal, "coffeehouse" style sessions, in order to provide information about the OCP/LUB process. Please consider attending the meeting and/or coffeehouse sessions if you are able, and, as always, feel free to contact your Trustees with your questions, comments, or concerns.


special meeting

It is my understanding that, despite Tim's notice on the Lasqueti web site there will not be much information presented on the process and guidelines for revision of our Official Community Plan, because there has not been enough time for staff to prepare it for presentation at the meeting. Maybe in February.

Still, Monday's meeting will be an opportunity for people to let our trustees know what we would like, and for us to begin to piece together a process that will meet both the Islands Trust and our community's needs and desires.

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