oppen letter to PM and Premier on KM pipeline expansion

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

I write to you because I am very concerned about your uncompromising support for the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion project, particularly as you expressed yourself so strongly and clearly at the Nanaimo public forum last Friday.

First, it is beyond comprehension and belief that we can expand our export of petroleum and also limit our contributions to climate change, as we are pledged to do, and as we must do, beginning immediately.

Further, the oil that you are promoting the export of is the dirtiest and most polluting oil in the world. We'd all be much better off if we left it where it is, in the sands.

The people of BC, and particularly of coastal BC, clearly and strongly oppose the expansion of the  KM pipeline. Agreement and consent or license, has not been given, and is not likely to be given by the people and the communities most involved.

Canada's "world class" cleanup and recovery system - WCMRC - is a sham. It can not recover more than about 15% of spilled oil, even in ideal conditions. Dil-bit, which will be leaving Burnaby if you manage to persist and win this stupid fight, is much more toxic and far, far harder to clean up or recover. The diluent, which will be coming to Burnaby and then by pipeline to Alberta to facilitate the flow of bitumen back to the coast, is extremely toxic and its effects in the environment, and especially the marine environment, are virtually unknown.

To proceed with the flawed KM expansion plan, pursuant to the flawed NEB environmental review process, is against the interests of everyone except the corporations involved and profiting from this enterprise.

Your and our government's promises to our First Nations peoples need to be honoured. Their rights and titles need to be fully recognized, not run roughshod over, as if nothing has changed in the last several years. We must change how Canada deals with our First Nations peoples.

The people of the coast will not permit the pipeline expansion to proceed. Please reexamine your and our interests and your position, and amend your statements and your objectives. Abandon your support for the KM proposed project.

Thank you very much,

Peter Johnston
Lasqueti Island, BC  V0R 2J0


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