Sister Islet Weather Station Repair

bike's picture

I just heard back from Catherine McKenna's office in Ottawa (Min. of Env & Climate Change), and the letter is attached to this post on

In summary, she says that there will be an attempted repair next week (Oct 22-26) and if the weather is not favourable, they will try again in November.

signed_reply_-_olsen_-_min_-_239331.pdf354.45 KB

Rosmary Brown's cabin

I read an article about Tucker Bay. I played with Jonathan Brown at their cabin in the 70's. I thought folks might like to know that there used to be an old cannon on her property which was dragged up from the beach. I believe there was a fish farm across the bay from her. She was upset when we almost tipped a small row boat (Jonathan said she was very serious about water accidents). I caught my fist fish and we swam all the time. We burnt our nicknames into a wooden table with a hot poker....

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