qRD Accepting Financial Assistance Applications, Closes August 31

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Event Date: 
Friday, July 9, 2021 - Tuesday, August 31, 2021

qathet Regional District (qRD) will accept applications for financial assistance until 4:30 pm on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Application forms can be found at qathet.ca. Submissions must include all documentation requested in the application form in order to be considered. Applications must be submitted to the qRD Finance Department. For more information, please contact Jason Kouwenhoven, Accountant at jkouwenhoven [at] qathet [dot] ca (jkouwenhoven [at] qathet [dot] ca )or call 604.485.2260.


this is Grants in Aid

Here's further information:

This is the same Grants-in-Aid that we have run in previous years with a few updates. More info is attached or our website here: https://www.qathet.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/3.11-Grant-in-Aid-Polic...

To answer your questions:

· What and who they are for?

o Just about any project, program or event (including general operating costs) are eligible for financial assistance provided that there is a benefit to the community. The organization applying needs to be a non-profit, charity or community group. We do not support individuals or for-profit companies with this program. More details about eligibility and exclusions are on Page 2 of the application.

· Deadline for applying?

o There are now two application intakes per year: March 31 and Aug 31 (see page 3 of the application form for timelines)

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