Mark Young's post regarding the Canada Post proposal with LLRS

Regarding Canada Post moving to the JFC:

I believe strongly in unions and what they have provided for all workers. There is a unionized job that is being eroded here and the JFC is complicit.

Caroline has not locked Canada Post out of the existing PO. Canada Post does not have a trained and vaccinated  member of the union willing to come to Lasqueti three days a week to fill in as Post Master. If CP had a trained, vaccinated union member, willing to travel, then there would be no disruption to our mail service.

Moving postal service to the JFC does not solve this problem. Ultimately, what it does, is erode the union member's job. Someone will fill in as Post Master under subcontract, someone who is vaccinated but not a member of the union, a scab.

This is a time that we must stand as a community and support our unionized member of our community. It is time to keep the pressure on Canada Post to find a right and just solution. It is a time when we must all do our part by getting our mail redirected or going to Parksville to pick it up.

At this time in history, as much as ever, we must support unions. The wage gap is growing. This is how we can do our part to thwart that.

Mark Young



temporary service vs. final settlement

Mark appears to be muddled in his thinking. Caroline has been suspended from her job. Because Chrissy is not longer delivering our Rural Route mail, and because Canada Post has a mandate (that word again!) to continue to provide service on Lasqueti, they have sought a temporary or interim solution, by finding a place to operate from and will be finding an interim postmaster or staff to provide us with postal service.

It is inconceivable that Canada Post would jeopardize a contract with its unions and workers across the country, just to settle our local situation. Caroline's suspension will be worked out, one way or the other, over time. Perhaps the pandemic will end. Perhaps the mandate will end. Who knows. But in the meantime, we'll have full postal service from temporarily appointed and hired people, who will also comply with the terms and conditions of the contract(s) between the postal union and Canada Post.

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