Grub & Groove - Date Changed

Event Date: 
Friday, April 10, 2009 - 6:30pm - 10:00pm


Our sincere apologies to everyone for changing the date around again, but we have decided to hold the  seasons'  final Grub+Groove coffeehouse on Friday, April 10th..not on Sat. 11th as before announced. Just too many people have requested that  we hold it on Friday so that the community could enjoy both Grub+Groove as well as  the great jazz talents that will be playing at the Bar on Saturday night.. And, being the flexible, visionary gals that we are, we thought- what the heck! -Lets change the date again, while we still have time. We hope  everyone  is alright with this new  -and
absolutely last!!- date change.

So it's Good Friday.!! Good!! 

With Love from the Spinny Sisters and their faithful Crew.

This news is related to...: 

Grub & Groove

The first Saturday of each (winter) month, come to the Community Hall and enjoy a scrumptious meal, with soup, bread and dessert table.  The evening is complemented by a line-up of talented performers: musicians and sometimes clowns, jugglers, and storytellers.

Dinner starts at 6:00pm, entertainment at about 7:00pm.

$5 gets you in the door and another $5 for a meal



So we have very good jazz @ the pub and Grubbengroove on the same night-will be a good evening...Karl

no longer...

thanks to the ever flexible vision of our spinny hostesses at the G&G!!!

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