Eli Hawkedal

In Memorium

Eli Hawkedal died unexpectedly last Saturday night. Most of you will have heard by now but I wanted to say a few words about one of our sons.

Eli was one of the fortunate few to who could call Lasqueti their birthplace. He was born in the house which Allan Farrell built and grew up here, partly on Wolf Island partly in Cocktail Cove. Eli was also one of those troubled souls, who lived with his inner demons and used drugs and alcohol to confront them. Those of us who grew up with him, knew him and loved him, those who didn't could not understand our patience and accommodation. Boy what a worker, one of the legendary powerhouses of the Island!

Lasqueti probably wasn't the best place for Eli at various times in his life, as it happens to many of us, sometimes it is just better to "get out of Dodge" This Eli did, and to all accounts he stopped drinking and recovered his life. The last few weeks he had apparently been staying with Cynthia, built her a sun porch and they were having a great time together.

I feel grateful that he was able to find some peace in his life before it ended so unexpectedly. I feel grateful to have had him in my life. He was a big hearted man, as those who are troubled and judged, often are.

We will keep everyone posted about any memorial services.

with love, Laurence


Lasqueti Dead

As part of an on-going memorial and tribute to those Lasquetians who've passed on, Peter has been assembling a list of Lasqueti's Dead.

I've added an entry for Eli Hawkendal - if you have a story to share about Eli or want to add something to Laurences lovely epitath above, please leave your comments there where they will be more enduring.

Hello, Eli's last name is

Eli's last name is actually spelt Haukedal.

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