Recycling Changes Launch May 20

Beginning May 20th, Lasqueti Island residents will notice a change at the Lasqueti Island Recycling Depot. Hours of operation will remain the same (Mondays and Thursdays from 1 to 5 pm - April 1 to October 1) but the list of accepted recyclables will change.
Please see the attached PDF for a list of recyclables accepted after May 20.

Please please please be sure to NOT leave non-accepted materials at the recycling centre.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns contact the Let's Talk Trash team at letstalktrashteam [at] gmail [dot] com or 604 485-0020. If you witness any misuse of the site or any illegal dumping, please contact the Recycling Depot Caretaker at 604 228-2284.

This news is related to...: 

Waste and Recycling

Free Store

Spring/Summer Hours:  April 1- September 30 - Mondays 10 am - 2 pm, Thursdays 1 - 5 pm,

Fall/Winter hours  October 1 - March 30 - Thursday 1- 5 pm

Lasqueti Accepted Recycling (pdf)2.07 MB


What are the new rules?

I've emailed the administration at Powell River RD and asked them to postpone changes to recycling on Lasqueti until they make sure that everyone knows what the new rules are. There is a non-obvious link in their email that takes you to the Multi Materials BC recycling website, but it doesn't give much information about what we can recycle here on Lasqueti, starting next Tuesday, May 20. I've asked them to give us a detailed list of what can and what can't be recycled here, and to hold of making changes until everyone knows what they are supposed to do. It's totally unfair to the workers (Jenny & Robyn) and to the recyclers (hopefully, all of us) to ask us to do something different, but not tell us what.

I hope they'll post details on our website and in our email list tomorrow morning, and otherwise help us to figure out what is supposed to happen.

List of recylables...

The Let's Talk Trash team sent me a list of accepted recyclables - it's now attached to the article above.


After speaking with Peter, we attached a pdf specifically addressing Lasqueti Island's rural recycling depot (see original post). A large bundle of the single page handout will be dropped off at the Lasqueti Island post office on Thursday, May 15. Please visit the website, also mentioned above, for an expanded list of accepted items. The pdf version is a shorten list and the one listed on the MMBC website provides more detail. ALL items listed on this website will be accepted at the Lasqueti Island recycling depot once the province wide program launches on May 20th.

Our team will be at the Lasqueti Island recycling depot this Thursday, May 15th for depot staff training. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please stop by! Since this is a provincial initative, we did not have the option to change the launch date and have also found it a challenge to prepare for in such a short period of time. We hope to have an effective training day tomorrow to equip the depot staff with knowledge and resources to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

Please contact the Let's Talk Trash team for further information.
letstalktrashteam [at] gmail [dot] com

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